Ocean + Climate 2020

Climate change is dramatically impacting the earth’s ocean, threatening both the organisms living within it as well as the livelihoods of the humans along its shores. But the depths of the ocean aren’t simply troubled waters – they are also an arena for solutions, collaboration and discovery.

Through a two-day online workshop, the Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources gathered a host of experts from across the United States to discuss the complicated relationship between climate and ocean, current impacts and future possibilities.



Day 1

Session 1 - Sea Change: What a Warming Climate Means for Our Ocean

Session 2 - Plastic, Plastic Everywhere: Is There a Solution to the Ocean’s Most Ubiquitous Pollution?

Session 3 - Blue Carbon 101: Coastal Restoration’s Big Role in Greenhouse Gas Mitigation

Session 4 - A Rising Tide to Lift All Voices: Representation Matters in Ocean Conservation Efforts

Day 2

Session 1 - The Working Ocean: Sustainable Energy, Shipping and Fishing

Session 2 - Policymaking on the High Seas: The Challenge of Protecting the World’s Largest Shared Resource

Session 3 - Ocean Conservation, Climate Change and Social Justice: A Conversation with Ayana Johnson