2023 Lake Superior Institute Stories

Small lakes, big studies: what Ontario’s experimental lakes area teaches the world about water - Katherine Cheng, The Narwhal

Walleye, lake trout could become Michigan commercial catch - Garret Ellison, MLive

Great Lakes tribes’ knowledge of nature could be key to navigating climate change. Will enough people listen?- Caitlin Looby, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Indigenous approach to agriculture could change our relationship to food. And help the land in the process. - Caitlin Looby, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Five-part series, Carol Thompson, The Detroit News:

Diving for answers: How warming water threatens Lake Huron
Mercury pollution plagues Lake Superior. Climate change could be making it worse
Lake Michigan whitefish are disappearing. Here’s why
Green as pea soup: Warming water hinders fight against Lake Erie algae blooms

Future of wildfires: What will happen to Canada’s scorched forests as fires worsen? - Kat Cheng, Global News

Water levels in the Great Lakes are swinging bigger and faster. A forecast could help - Lina Tran, WUWM

Michigan steps up dam removal in race against climate change - Kelly House, Bridge Michigan

In warming Great Lakes, climate triage means some cold waters won’t be saved - Kelly House, Bridge Michigan

Wild rice grows again in the St. Louis River. The problem now is geese. - Greg Stanley, Star Tribune

Beset by engorged winter ticks, Minnesota moose suffer a ghastly fate - Greg Stanley, Star Tribune

US critical minerals push: Can it be done responsibly? - Jillian Kestler-D’Amours, Al Jazeera English

Energy future clashes with watershed worries in Minnesota - Alex Hargrave, Politico/E&E News

Moose herds threatened by ticks, brain worms, the result of climate change - Kelly House (contributor), Bridge Michigan

Historic boom in Lake Superior's herring population could be best in 40 years - Greg Stanley, Star Tribune

Wildfire chases canoeists in Minn. wilderness area - Alex Hargrave, E&E News